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CHI Health School of Radiologic Technology: Lutheran Ranking 2024

CHI Health School of Radiologic TechnologyRanked
in the USA
CHI Health School of Radiologic Technology is a very small not-for-profit Lutheran college located in Omaha, Nebraska. The college was opened in 1996 and is presently offering bachelor's degrees in Radiologic Technology Science.

CHI Health School of Radiologic Technology is very inexpensive - depending on the program, tuition cost is about $8,000 per year. If you seek a cheaper alternative, check Affordable Colleges in Nebraska listing.

According to recent studies, CHI Health School of Radiologic Technology area is safe; the college is reported to have an excellent rating for campus safety.

Based on 68 evaluation metrics, CHI Health School of Radiologic Technology Lutheran program ranks in Top 50 Lutheran Schools in the United States and The Third Best Lutheran School in Nebraska. Major competing Lutheran colleges for this school are Concordia University Saint Paul and Augustana College in Rock Island. See the details about all twelve competing Lutheran schools and offered Lutheran majors below.

Lutheran programs ratings 2023-2024:

Overall rating:

Curriculum rating:

Teaching rating:

Safety rating:

School ranking:

Third Best Lutheran School in Nebraska
#29 Lutheran School in the Midwest
#43 Lutheran School in USA

Program rankings:

State Ranking

Third Best Lutheran Medical Program in Nebraska

Regional Ranking

#17 Lutheran Medical Program in the Midwest

National Ranking

#29 Lutheran Medical Program in USA

More program rankings:

Check how CHI Health School of Radiologic Technology has been ranked among affordable colleges in Nebraska.

Contact information:

CHI Health School of Radiologic Technology
6901 North 72nd St
Omaha, NE 68122
Phone: (402) 572-3654

Location map:

CHI Health School of Radiologic Technology Location Map


Bachelor's degree

Radiologic Technology Science

Local competitors:

Concordia University Saint Paul - Lutheran School Ranking
Concordia University Saint Paul

Saint Paul, MN, 94 majors

Augustana College - Lutheran School Ranking
Augustana College

Rock Island, IL, 104 majors

Luther Seminary - Lutheran School Ranking
Luther Seminary

Saint Paul, MN, 4 majors

Augsburg University - Lutheran School Ranking
Augsburg University

Minneapolis, MN, 101 majors

Augustana University - Lutheran School Ranking
Augustana University

Sioux Falls, SD, 98 majors

St Olaf College - Lutheran School Ranking
St Olaf College

Northfield, MN, 74 majors

Wartburg Theological Seminary - Lutheran School Ranking
Wartburg Theological Seminary

Dubuque, IA, 1 major

Gustavus Adolphus College - Lutheran School Ranking
Gustavus Adolphus College

Saint Peter, MN, 44 majors

Concordia University Nebraska - Lutheran School Ranking
Concordia University Nebraska

Seward, NE, 85 majors

Martin Luther College - Lutheran School Ranking
Martin Luther College

New Ulm, MN, 33 majors

Luther College - Lutheran School Ranking
Luther College

Decorah, IA, 74 majors

Wartburg College - Lutheran School Ranking
Wartburg College

Waverly, IA, 69 majors

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