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Wartburg College: Lutheran Ranking 2024

Wartburg CollegeRanked
in the USA
Wartburg College is a very small not-for-profit Lutheran college located in Waverly, Iowa. This school is operating since 1852 and is currently offering bachelor's and master's degrees in 42 programs.

Wartburg College is extremely expensive; depending on the program, tuition is around $52,000 a year. If you are looking for a cheaper alternative, check Affordable Colleges in Iowa listing.

According to recent data analysis, Wartburg College area is relatively dangerous: the school is reported to have a poor rating for campus crime.

Based on 68 evaluation criteria, Wartburg College Lutheran program ranks in Top 50 Lutheran Schools in USA and The Third Best Lutheran School in Iowa. Major competitors for this school are Concordia University Wisconsin in Mequon and Concordia University Saint Paul. See the details about all twelve competitors and offered Lutheran majors below.

SAT & ACT test scores for undergraduate programs:

Lutheran programs ratings 2023-2024:

Overall rating:

Curriculum rating:

Teaching rating:

Safety rating:

School ranking:

Third Best Lutheran School in Iowa
#22 Lutheran School in the Midwest
#33 Lutheran School in USA

Program rankings:

State Ranking

Best Lutheran Philosophy Program in Iowa
Best Lutheran Occupational Therapy Program in Iowa
Best Lutheran Marketing Program in Iowa
Best Lutheran Mathematics Program in Iowa
Best Lutheran Engineering Program in Iowa
Best Lutheran Education Program in Iowa
Best Lutheran Business Program in Iowa
Best Lutheran Biology Program in Iowa
Best Lutheran Sociology Program in Iowa
Best Lutheran Sport Program in Iowa
Best Lutheran Chemistry Program in Iowa
Second Best Lutheran Politics Program in Iowa
Second Best Lutheran Music Program in Iowa
Second Best Lutheran Psychology Program in Iowa
Second Best Lutheran Social Work Program in Iowa
Second Best Lutheran Physics Program in Iowa
Second Best Lutheran Foreign Languages Program in Iowa
Second Best Lutheran Economics Program in Iowa
Second Best Lutheran Computer Program in Iowa
Second Best Lutheran Arts Program in Iowa
Second Best Lutheran Environmental Program in Iowa
Second Best Lutheran History Program in Iowa
Second Best Lutheran Literature Program in Iowa
Second Best Lutheran Accounting Program in Iowa
Second Best Lutheran Journalism Program in Iowa
Second Best Lutheran Medical Program in Iowa

Regional Ranking

#5 Lutheran Engineering Program in the Midwest
#8 Lutheran Occupational Therapy Program in the Midwest
#12 Lutheran Economics Program in the Midwest
#13 Lutheran Philosophy Program in the Midwest
#13 Lutheran Sport Program in the Midwest
#13 Lutheran Social Work Program in the Midwest
#13 Lutheran Medical Program in the Midwest
#15 Lutheran Marketing Program in the Midwest
#15 Lutheran Business Program in the Midwest
#15 Lutheran Physics Program in the Midwest
#16 Lutheran Accounting Program in the Midwest
#16 Lutheran Environmental Program in the Midwest
#16 Lutheran Sociology Program in the Midwest
#16 Lutheran Journalism Program in the Midwest
#16 Lutheran Biology Program in the Midwest
#16 Lutheran Politics Program in the Midwest
#17 Lutheran Psychology Program in the Midwest
#17 Lutheran Foreign Languages Program in the Midwest
#17 Lutheran Chemistry Program in the Midwest
#17 Lutheran Arts Program in the Midwest
#17 Lutheran Computer Program in the Midwest
#17 Lutheran History Program in the Midwest
#17 Lutheran Mathematics Program in the Midwest
#17 Lutheran Literature Program in the Midwest
#18 Lutheran Music Program in the Midwest
#18 Lutheran Education Program in the Midwest

National Ranking

#6 Lutheran Engineering Program in USA
#9 Lutheran Occupational Therapy Program in USA
#19 Lutheran Social Work Program in USA
#19 Lutheran Marketing Program in USA
#19 Lutheran Sport Program in USA
#21 Lutheran Accounting Program in USA
#21 Lutheran Economics Program in USA
#22 Lutheran Philosophy Program in USA
#24 Lutheran Sociology Program in USA
#24 Lutheran Journalism Program in USA
#24 Lutheran Business Program in USA
#24 Lutheran Physics Program in USA
#24 Lutheran Medical Program in USA
#25 Lutheran Foreign Languages Program in USA
#25 Lutheran Biology Program in USA
#26 Lutheran Environmental Program in USA
#26 Lutheran Politics Program in USA
#26 Lutheran Computer Program in USA
#26 Lutheran Arts Program in USA
#27 Lutheran Chemistry Program in USA
#27 Lutheran Psychology Program in USA
#27 Lutheran Education Program in USA
#27 Lutheran Mathematics Program in USA
#27 Lutheran History Program in USA
#27 Lutheran Music Program in USA
#27 Lutheran Literature Program in USA

More program rankings:

Check how Wartburg College is ranking among graduate schools in Iowa.

Contact information:

Wartburg College
100 Wartburg Blvd.
Waverly, IA 50677-0903
Phone: (319) 352-8200

Location map:

Wartburg College Location Map


Bachelor's degree

Actuarial Science
Art Teacher Education
Clinical Laboratory Science Technology
Commercial and Advertising Art
Community Organization and Advocacy
Econometrics and Quantitative Economics
Elementary Education and Teaching
Engineering Science
Environmental Science
French Language and Literature
General Art Studies
General Biology
General Business and Commerce
General Chemistry
General Computer and Information Sciences
General Economics
General English Language and Literature
General History
General Mathematics
General Music
General Music Performance
General Physics
General Political Science and Government
General Psychology
General Public Health
General Social Sciences
German Language and Literature
History Teacher Education
International Relations and Affairs
Mass Communication
Music Teacher Education
Music Therapy
Other Social Sciences
Physical Education Teaching and Coaching
Religious Studies
Social Work
Spanish Language and Literature
Sport and Fitness Administration

Master's degree

Music Therapy


Bachelor's degree

Actuarial Science
Art Teacher Education
Commercial and Advertising Art
Elementary Education and Teaching
General Art Studies
General Business and Commerce
General Computer and Information Sciences
General English Language and Literature
General History
General Mathematics
General Music
General Physics
General Psychology
General Public Health
History Teacher Education
International Relations and Affairs
Mass Communication
Music Teacher Education
Music Therapy
Religious Studies
Social Work
Spanish Language and Literature

Local competitors:

Concordia University Wisconsin - Lutheran School Ranking
Concordia University Wisconsin

Mequon, WI, 137 majors

Concordia University Saint Paul - Lutheran School Ranking
Concordia University Saint Paul

Saint Paul, MN, 94 majors

Concordia Seminary - Lutheran School Ranking
Concordia Seminary

Saint Louis, MO, 4 majors

Valparaiso University - Lutheran School Ranking
Valparaiso University

Valparaiso, IN, 149 majors

Augustana College - Lutheran School Ranking
Augustana College

Rock Island, IL, 104 majors

Luther Seminary - Lutheran School Ranking
Luther Seminary

Saint Paul, MN, 4 majors

Augsburg University - Lutheran School Ranking
Augsburg University

Minneapolis, MN, 101 majors

Augustana University - Lutheran School Ranking
Augustana University

Sioux Falls, SD, 98 majors

Carthage College - Lutheran School Ranking
Carthage College

Kenosha, WI, 103 majors

Concordia University Chicago - Lutheran School Ranking
Concordia University Chicago

River Forest, IL, 152 majors

St Olaf College - Lutheran School Ranking
St Olaf College

Northfield, MN, 74 majors

Wartburg Theological Seminary - Lutheran School Ranking
Wartburg Theological Seminary

Dubuque, IA, 1 major

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