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Lutheran Schools in the Southeast - 2024 Ranking

In 2024, we ranked 3 Lutheran colleges offering majors in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia.

Our team ranks Lenoir Rhyne University (Hickory, NC), Roanoke College (Salem, VA), and Newberry College the best three Lutheran schools in the Southeast.

See the Best 3 Lutheran schools in the Southeast below or narrow your search by program, state, or city in the Southeast.

Top 3 Lutheran schools in the Southeast:

Lenoir Rhyne University - Lutheran School Ranking
1. Lenoir Rhyne University

Hickory, NC, 74 majors

Roanoke College - Lutheran School Ranking
2. Roanoke College

Salem, VA, 63 majors

Newberry College - Lutheran School Ranking
3. Newberry College

Newberry, SC, 51 majors

Lutheran schools in the Southeast by state:

Schools by State1 Lutheran Schools in North Carolina1 Lutheran Schools in South Carolina1 Lutheran Schools in Virginia

Lutheran programs in the Southeast:

Accounting: 2 Lutheran schools
Arts: 3 Lutheran schools
Biology: 3 Lutheran schools
Business: 3 Lutheran schools
Chemistry: 3 Lutheran schools
Computer: 3 Lutheran schools
Dental: 1 Lutheran school
Economics: 2 Lutheran schools
Education: 3 Lutheran schools
Engineering: 1 Lutheran school
Environmental: 2 Lutheran schools
Finance: 1 Lutheran school
Graphic Design: 2 Lutheran schools
History: 3 Lutheran schools
Journalism: 3 Lutheran schools
Foreign Languages: 3 Lutheran schools
Law: 1 Lutheran school
Literature: 3 Lutheran schools
Management: 3 Lutheran schools
Marketing: 2 Lutheran schools
Mathematics: 3 Lutheran schools
Medical: 3 Lutheran schools
Music: 3 Lutheran schools
Nursing: 2 Lutheran schools
Occupational Therapy: 1 Lutheran school
Performing Arts: 3 Lutheran schools
Pharmacy: 1 Lutheran school
Philosophy: 3 Lutheran schools
Physics: 2 Lutheran schools
Police: 3 Lutheran schools
Politics: 3 Lutheran schools
Psychology: 3 Lutheran schools
Social Work: 2 Lutheran schools
Sociology: 3 Lutheran schools
Sport: 3 Lutheran schools
Theatre: 3 Lutheran schools
Theology: 1 Lutheran school

Lutheran schools in other regions:

Midwest: 30 Lutheran schools
Northeast: 6 Lutheran schools
Northwest: 1 Lutheran school
South: 2 Lutheran schools
West: 3 Lutheran schools

Popular Lutheran school cities in the Southeast:

in North Carolina:
Hickory: 1 Lutheran school
in South Carolina:
Newberry: 1 Lutheran school
in Virginia:
Salem: 1 Lutheran school © 2024 · Home · Terms of Use · Methodology