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Lutheran Police Schools in the South

In 2024, we ranked 4 Lutheran schools offering police majors in North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia. ranks Lenoir Rhyne University (Hickory, NC), Concordia University Texas (Austin, TX), and Roanoke College (Salem, VA) the best three police Lutheran schools in the South.

See the best 4 Lutheran police schools and colleges in the South below or narrow your search by program, state, or city in the South.

Top 4 Lutheran police schools in the South:

Lenoir Rhyne University - Lutheran School Ranking
1. Lenoir Rhyne University

Hickory, NC, 2 police programs

Concordia University Texas - Lutheran School Ranking
2. Concordia University Texas

Austin, TX, 1 police program

Roanoke College - Lutheran School Ranking
3. Roanoke College

Salem, VA, 2 police programs

Newberry College - Lutheran School Ranking
4. Newberry College

Newberry, SC, 1 police program

Lutheran police schools in the South by state:

Schools by State1 Lutheran Police Schools in North Carolina1 Lutheran Police Schools in South Carolina1 Lutheran Police Schools in Texas1 Lutheran Police Schools in Virginia

Lutheran police schools in other regions:

Midwest: 14 Lutheran schools
Northeast: 1 Lutheran school
Northwest: 1 Lutheran school
West: 2 Lutheran schools

Popular Lutheran school cities in the South:

in North Carolina:
Hickory: 1 Lutheran school
in South Carolina:
Newberry: 1 Lutheran school
in Texas:
Austin: 1 Lutheran school
Seguin: 1 Lutheran school
in Virginia:
Salem: 1 Lutheran school © 2024 · Home · Terms of Use · Methodology