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Lutheran Schools Offering Master's Degrees in New York

New York Master's Degree SchoolsOffered In
New York is a fair state to get Lutheran master's degree. The only one school offering such opportunity in New York is Wagner College. This school offers a great Lutheran master's degree program - four-star rating for curriculum and four stars for teaching also.

There may be more Lutheran schools in New York matching your goals. Use the links below to search for Lutheran school options in New York and in the United States.

New York Lutheran master's degree schools:

Wagner College - Lutheran School Ranking
1. Wagner College

Located in Staten Island, 16 master's programs

Lutheran master's degrees in nearby states:

Muhlenberg College - Lutheran School Ranking
Muhlenberg College

Located in Allentown, PA, 1 master's program

United Lutheran Seminary - Lutheran School Ranking
United Lutheran Seminary

Located in Gettysburg, PA, 1 master's program

Susquehanna University - Lutheran School Ranking
Susquehanna University

Located in Selinsgrove, PA, 2 master's programs

Thiel College - Lutheran School Ranking
Thiel College

Located in Greenville, PA, 3 master's programs

New York Lutheran master's degrees by major:

Accounting: 1 Lutheran school
Arts: 1 Lutheran school
Biology: 1 Lutheran school
Business: 1 Lutheran school
Education: 1 Lutheran school
Finance: 1 Lutheran school
Management: 1 Lutheran school
Marketing: 1 Lutheran school
Medical: 1 Lutheran school
Music: 1 Lutheran school
Nursing: 1 Lutheran school

Other Lutheran diplomas in NY:

Certificates: 1 Lutheran school
Bachelor's Degrees: 1 Lutheran school
Doctoral Degrees: 1 Lutheran school

New York Lutheran schools by city:

Staten Island: 1 Lutheran school

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Lutheran Master's Degrees
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