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Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago: Lutheran Ranking 2024

Lutheran School of Theology at ChicagoRanked
in the USA
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago is a very small not-for-profit Lutheran college located in Chicago, Illinois. The school is operating since 1962 and is presently offering master's and doctoral degrees in Theological Studies.

It is reported that Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago area is generally safe: the college is reported to have a good rating for campus safety.

Based on 68 evaluation criteria, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago Lutheran program ranks in Top 50 Lutheran Schools in USA and The Third Best Lutheran School in Illinois. Major competing Lutheran colleges for this school are Capital University in Columbus and Concordia University Wisconsin in Mequon. Check the details about all twelve competing Lutheran schools as well as list of offered Lutheran majors and minors below.

Lutheran programs ratings 2023-2024:

Overall rating:

Curriculum rating:

Teaching rating:

Safety rating:

School ranking:

Third Best Lutheran School in Illinois
#27 Lutheran School in the Midwest
#40 Lutheran School in USA

Program rankings:

State Ranking

Second Best Lutheran Theology Program in Illinois

Regional Ranking

#15 Lutheran Theology Program in the Midwest

National Ranking

#19 Lutheran Theology Program in USA

More program rankings:

See how Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago is ranking among graduate schools in Illinois.

Contact information:

Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
1100 E 55th St
Chicago, IL 60615-5134
Phone: (773) 256-0700

Location map:

Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago Location Map


Master's degree

Theological Studies

Doctor's degree

Theological Studies

Local competitors:

Capital University - Lutheran School Ranking
Capital University

Columbus, OH, 85 majors

Concordia University Wisconsin - Lutheran School Ranking
Concordia University Wisconsin

Mequon, WI, 137 majors

Concordia Seminary - Lutheran School Ranking
Concordia Seminary

Saint Louis, MO, 4 majors

Valparaiso University - Lutheran School Ranking
Valparaiso University

Valparaiso, IN, 149 majors

Augustana College - Lutheran School Ranking
Augustana College

Rock Island, IL, 104 majors

Concordia Theological Seminary - Lutheran School Ranking
Concordia Theological Seminary

Fort Wayne, IN, 2 majors

Carthage College - Lutheran School Ranking
Carthage College

Kenosha, WI, 103 majors

Wittenberg University - Lutheran School Ranking
Wittenberg University

Springfield, OH, 56 majors

Concordia University Chicago - Lutheran School Ranking
Concordia University Chicago

River Forest, IL, 152 majors

Wartburg Theological Seminary - Lutheran School Ranking
Wartburg Theological Seminary

Dubuque, IA, 1 major

Wisconsin Lutheran College - Lutheran School Ranking
Wisconsin Lutheran College

Milwaukee, WI, 77 majors

Luther College - Lutheran School Ranking
Luther College

Decorah, IA, 74 majors

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